Ergänzendes Pflegesortiment

Coldex Insert Pad

Attends Coldex Insert is a rectangular pad which can be used with a washable pouch pant or as a booster pad for additional absorbency or faecal smearing.

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Coldex is a rectangular insert pad that can be used as a booster pad for additional absorbency. The product has a fluff core with no superabsorbents and allows urine to pass through the core quickly into the primary pad.
  • Coldex Vlieswindeln Preiswerter Schutz bei Wochenfluss.
  • Can be used with a washable pounch pant or as a booster pad
  • Ohne Klebestreifen.
  • Ohne Folie.
  • Nonwoven back sheet allows the urine to pass through into the core of the primary pad when used as a booster pad.
  • Fluff core with no superabsorbents allows urine to pass through the core quickly into the primary pad.

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